Mastery beyond proficiency
Our mission is to build the technology & content that creates the opportunity for every child to reach their potential.
Our mission is to build the technology & content that creates the opportunity for every child to reach their potential.
Level the educational playing field for all ethnicities and socioeconomic groups
Create a tutorial to work with any teaching method
Make parents better aware of subject matter, creating a "learning together" involvement
Provide students with a consistency of learning
Change the culture of a failing American education by creating a meritocracy in learning
When the right teacher explains the hard stuff in an easy to understand way, there won’t be anxiety.
Nothing is boring if you squash an hour of uninteresting speech into 5-10 minutes of inspiring chosen words.
The best instructors can make you focus on any subject like it’s your favorite video game!
We’re looking for dynamic, articulate and motivating teachers starting with math remediation. With EXCL, students will pick the teachers who make concepts easy. We want to help you achieve your potential. The better you get, the more students you will attract and the more success you will achieve.
Participating students can qualify to win valuable prizes for reaching educational goals. Students that show success progress to the next learning objective.
Watch founder Allen Epstein introduce EXCL and how to get involved. We’re seeking partners and teachers to launch and make a difference for the inner city.
For EXCL to succeed, we need your help to foster the culture of American learning. With everyone’s help, we can inspire a new generation!
We will provide the educational objectives and problem sets, and in 5-10 minutes, you can show what made you want to teach, but this time, there are incentives!
We’re looking for schools and districts that will partner with EXCL. Let’s unite to increase proficiency, and reward success to all involved!